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G.M.A.A.A. Annual Senior Open & Lower Age Group Aquatic Meet 2024

List of Events
Select an event to see its result sheet
1 100 M. Back Stroke - Men
2 100 M. Back Stroke - Women
3 100 M. Breast Stroke - Men
4 100 M. Breast Stroke - Women
5 100 M. Butterfly Stroke - Men
6 100 M. Butterfly Stroke - Women
7 100 M. Free Style - Men
8 100 M. Free Style - Women
9 1500 M. Free Style - Men
10 1500 M. Free Style - Women
11 200 M. Back Stroke - Men
12 200 M. Back Stroke - Women
13 200 M. Breast Stroke - Men
14 200 M. Breast Stroke - Women
15 200 M. Butterfly Stroke - Men
16 200 M. Butterfly Stroke - Women
17 200 M. Free Style - Men
18 200 M. Free Style - Women
19 200 M. Ind. Medley - Men
20 200 M. Ind. Medley - Women
21 400 M. Free Style - Men
22 400 M. Free Style - Women
23 400 M. Ind. Medley - Men
24 400 M. Ind. Medley - Women
25 4x50 M. Free Style Relay - Boys Group IV & V Combined
26 4x50 M. Free Style Relay - Girls Group IV & V Combined
27 4x50 M. Free Style Relay - Men
28 4x50 M. Free Style Relay - Women
29 4x50 M. Medley Relay - Boys Group IV & V Combined
30 4x50 M. Medley Relay - Girls Group IV & V Combined
31 4x50 M. Medley Relay - Men
32 4x50 M. Medley Relay - Women
33 50 M. Back Stroke - Boys Group IV
34 50 M. Back Stroke - Boys Group V
35 50 M. Back Stroke - Girls Group IV
36 50 M. Back Stroke - Girls Group V
37 50 M. Back Stroke - Men
38 50 M. Back Stroke - Women
39 50 M. Breast Stroke - Boys Group IV
40 50 M. Breast Stroke - Boys Group V
41 50 M. Breast Stroke - Girls Group IV
42 50 M. Breast Stroke - Girls Group V
43 50 M. Breast Stroke - Men
44 50 M. Breast Stroke - Women
45 50 M. Butterfly Stroke - Girls Group IV
46 50 M. Butterfly Stroke - Girls Group V
47 50 M. Butterfly Stroke - Men
48 50 M. Butterfly Stroke - Women
49 50 M. Butterfly Stroke -Boys Group IV
50 50 M. Butterfly Stroke -Boys Group V
51 50 M. Free Style - Boys Group IV
52 50 M. Free Style - Boys Group V
53 50 M. Free Style - Girls Group IV
54 50 M. Free Style - Girls Group V
55 50 M. Free Style - Men
56 50 M. Free Style - Women
57 800 M. Free Style - Men
58 800 M. Free Style - Women